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Whoah Hoee.


September 29 2008, 9:57 PM

Ughh.Okay Well Today Went Fin Kaleb And Wil Were Being There Sexy Selfs And Yeah. Ha me Too. Just a little Blog Humor. Hah. Wow Im a Retard. Okay Anywayy, I Got Home From School And Then I Was On My Comeputer And Erika Called. Erika Is My Bestfriend Just To Let You Know. And She Wanted Me To HAng Out And I Asked My Mum And She Said Fer a Half An Hour I was Like Okayy Hahahah. YEah So Then We Wanted To Goto Bagn Save But Ended Up Going To Eat  IT Was Around Like 4;00 and yeah then erika is going out with kalvin right and so shes like he might break up with me and stuff i cant really say and cause they never hang out. And So I Let Her Call Him but kalvin Happens to be best friends with this kid who likes me i really dont like him. Then Anyway She Called Kalvin And Ran Up Here And Wow He Called Nic And I Dont Like THe Kid And Theny Think I Do. Then He Showed up and we talked fer a while and then i was like i have to go  and i really did. So We Left And Kalvin And Nic Rode There Bike And Kalvin Is Like Erika Get on my pegs and she did and i was like erika no! he said he would only go 5 mi per hour Wow i couldnt even see him after a while and he only did that cause he wanted me to be with fucking nic. I Dont Like Him Hold Hell!!! So Then I Was Like Nic Go Get Kalvin GO Find Him And He Did And i was like yes he is gone! So Thenn I Was Walking And I Was Crying Kinda Damn Why Would My Best Frann Do That. Then Nic Got Him And Kalvin Already Dropped Off Erika At HEr House And Then He Is Like Paige You Wanna Ride And I Was Like No Holy Fuck That Was Fucking Mean Ass Hole And Is Like Paigee!! Come On And I Was Like No!  Half Way Crying. Then I HadTO Walk Home The Whole Way Back To My House Gay Fucking Day ever!!


Love PaigeK.

recently i've come to realize that maybe my unhappiness is my own fault. when i lose someone close to me, it's the end of the world because i become so dependent on people. so when they leave i don't have much left. friendships in my past have more emotionally draining and dramatic for me because i cannot just move on. i have to analyze and think everything out and try to see where it all went to shit. while going through this analyzing process i seem to shut myself off to other people because i'm more sensitive then ever at this point and i can't deal with other people. so i'm alone and wondering, "why the hell am i alone?" well, i figured it out. i shut my self away from people who could potentially be there for me. life is too hard and To Sad To BE Alone.


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September 28 2008, 12:50 AM

she felt the urge to scream. but her cry got caught in her throat. she wanted to cry, to show him just how much he had hurt her. but the tears just wouldn't fall. she needed to end this. but the words couldn't come out. she wasn't strong enough. she wasn't ready to let him go. I Often miss this little girl whose dreams had no barriers, who believed in a world where anything is possible, with a heart that was full & unbroken.


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  • Female
  • 15 years old


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Page views 374
Last update Sep 29, 2008
